Tips and advice to assist you in your job search.

Monday, October 05, 2009

What is an E-Resume?

We get this question a lot! Do you plan to post your resume to Monster, Career Builder or any other job search engine resume board? Have you been posting your resume and notice the text is scattered or there are extra strange characters throughout the resume once it's posted? If so this is where an e-resume comes into play, because it eliminates those problems. An e-resume (the e is short for electronic) is simply a resume specifically formatted for the job search engines to interpret the text correctly on your resume. You can create one or two formats, an ASCII or a Plain Word Text version. They're pretty easy to do, although they can be a little time consuming.

Don't think you'll be posting your resume to any of the job search engines? How about company websites that instruct you to upload or copy and paste your resume into their fields? An e-resume comes in handy for those systems too! Most of the software is similar, so be prepared. You don't want to get passed over because a Hiring Manager or Recruiter couldn't decipher what your resume was saying. They won't take the time to figure it out so put your best foot forward!


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